Friday, September 19, 2008

Butterflies of Love week! part two

Two singers, Jeffrey and Daniel Greene (unrelated). Mark Mulcahy of Miracle Legion contributes the occasional spectral backing ooooh, but not live, sadly. Not in Blighty, anyway.

Jeffrey is the tall, gangly, mumbly-sounding one, prone to lengthy disquisitions between songs ('ladies and gentlemen the supersonic Butterflies are about to perform another smash' etc etc) which drag on to disquieting effect.

Daniel speaks less and is the leader of the band, as Jeffrey frequently reminds us. He's the vaguely tremulous-sounding one, and looks a bit like a young Jack Nicholson.

There are other members of the band, some with hats, some without. Their keyboard player always looks uncertain and starey-eyed, as if recently released from some form of confinement. Perhaps New Haven does that to you.

If their debut album had come out in 1988 (when wry young men with reverb pedals roamed the alluvial plains) rather than 1999, they would have straddled the world of indie like a gangly colossus. As it is, they visit the UK every few years to play for the benefit of various Track and Field bods in murky backrooms. You can buy How to Know the Butterflies of Love on Amazon for a derisory sum, and you certainly should, because it's great.

The Butterflies of Love - Mt. Everest
The Butterflies of Love - Wild
The Butterflies of Love - Amethyst

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